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During the Third Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention (PMPC II) held from 30 Aug. to 2 Sept. 2006, the 547 participants (consisting of bishops, clergy, religious and laity) from the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, the Diocese of Penang and the Diocese of Melaka-Johor finalised the joint vision-mission statement for the Church in Peninsular Malaysia.

Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention III 2006
Message to the People of God in Peninsular Malaysia
30th August - 2nd September 2006, Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Grateful to God for this moment of grace-filled encounter as Church journeying towards communion, we, the Archbishop and Archbishop Emeritus, 2 Bishops, 105 Priests, I Deacon, 35 Religious and 404 Laity greet you, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and wish to share with you the fruits of our prayer, reflections, deliberations and decisions at PMPC III.

PMPC III serves as yet another major step in the Church's on-going process of renewal which began with the Aggiornamento (1976) and followed through with PMPC I (1986) and PMPC II (1996), Having reviewed our journey as Church so far, especially in our respective pre-conventions, and having examined the various areas of concern that had emerged, we feel called to renew our commitment to the basic option and the pastoral priorities of the Church. Our basic option as Church is to build Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) that reflect our primary communion as People of God. Being communion is itself mission. This basic option goes hand in hand with our on-going pastoral priorities in the areas of unity, formation, integral human development, inter-religious and ecumenical dialogue, youth, family, and social communications.

We are, however, deeply conscious of our own shortcomings and failures in living out and in implementing the above basic option and pastoral priorities. For this reason, we need a change of mindset and attitude, both as individuals and as communities. We must become authentic disciples of the Lord by renewing our commitment in taking ownership of this mission.

In recommitting ourselves to this mission, we, the delegates of PMPC III, agree that the most important need is the consolidation of efforts in the implementation of the basic option and the pastoral priorities. To this end, we propose the following strategies:

1. Renewing Faith, Re-evangelisation, Social Conscientisation: To embark on efforts towards the revitalization of faith of the local church, so that many more may respond to the needs identified by the Areas of Concern. This calls for a re-evangelisation of Catholics, rooted in the Eucharist, founded upon authentic discipleship and leading to a living out of the spirituality of communion.
2. Systematic Review: To undertake an integrated and comprehensive study to evaluate the efficacy of present structures, strategies, and methodologies in order to revamp, improve and reconfigure these to meet the needs identified in the Areas of Concern.
3. Mechanism for Dialogue, Consultation and Feedback: To develop a culture of dialogue and to establish the necessary structures, mechanisms and processes to facilitate consultation and feedback within the local Church in order that we may strengthen our communion and so truly live the challenge of Sentire cum Ecclesia (Thinking and Feeling with the Church).
4. Training and Formation: To develop systematic training and formation for clergy, religious, lay leaders, catechists, pastoral workers and counsellors in order that sufficient personnel are made available to address the needs of the different Areas of Concern.
5. Pastoral Care of Priority Groups: To pay special attention to the development of pastoral care, formation and outreach to priority groups, e.g., minority language groups, Orang Asli, Sabahans, Sarawakians, migrants, refugees, differently-abled persons, University/College students, etc.
6. Recommitment and Support of the Clergy: To reinforce our desire that the Arch/bishops and clergy lead, support, follow-up, and live the decisions taken with regard to pastoral priorities in these Areas of Concern.
As we embark upon this new stage of our journey of thinking and feeling with the Church and in communion with the whole human family and creation, we are aware of the many challenges before us. However, we rely upon the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and empower us, in the firm belief that our communion is our strength. May Mary, the Mother of the Church, walk with us, and pray for us

Our Vision is:
• to be rooted in the Communion of the Trinity
  and among ourselves
• to be in Solidarity with the whole human
  family and creation

This Vision leads us to live out
our vocation at the service of the Kingdom of God

Our Mission is:
• to Witness to Christ through Basic Ecclesial
  Communities and transform our parishes into a "communion of communities"
• to Proclaim the Kingdom of God through Dialogue with cultures, religions and the poor.

For us, this means journeying together towards a "New Way of Being Church"


Deepening our Descipleship



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